Our easy 8-Step formula for working with you in Training and Coaching Excellence.
1.We can Phone (or Skype) you. We can both gain a lot early and save time later, by having a useful and informative discussion on the phone – and get to know each other.
2. We are Happy to Visit you. We can meet in your office(s), learn more about your organisation, its culture and your needs. By asking probing questions, and actively listening, we can build a reasonably in-depth picture of what you want.
3. We will Tailor to your Needs. We create ideas for training and coaching, which are clear and meaningfully designed to help meet your objectives.
4. We will Coach or Train on Your Premises? Which means you manage your time better, as staff won’t have to travel, and you can plan delegate numbers better to facilitate work cover. You may also wish to join us on any of the the cost-effective open courses we run, at other easy-to-reach venues.
5. We will Work closely With You and Your Staff. Empathy is all-important to us, so when working with you, we put ourselves in your shoes, almost becoming part of your team. It’s a smarter way to achieve successful outcomes.
6. We will Provide Course Materials. Your staff will benefit from working with professional course notes, for positive use in training, and to keep for post-course reference, and receive a Certificate for active Participation excellence.
7. We will Provide Feedback. We give feedback to delegates, and help to identify their strengths, challenges and opportunities to further develop themselves. And a succinct relevant report to you too.
8. We Inspire and give Value. We exist to train, develop, motivate and inspire your people to want to excel in everything they do! Often we are ready to fantastically reinvent the wheel. In addition delegates attending our courses can earn their CPD points (Continuous Professional Development).
Some of our Clients are shown below: